The Natural Ground For Using a Tote Pump

There is a Natural Ground for using a piece of equipment known as a Tote Pump and this blog post will concern itself with explaining this situation. The many readers of the Natural Ground Blog will know very well that this blog was founded under the principle that people should only use those products and services which are in possession of what we call a “Natural Ground.” But what exactly is a “Natural Ground” within the context in which we intend? Again, our regular readers already know the answer to this question but for the benifit of our newer readers let us provide a little more explanation.


Consider the drum pump. This is a piece of equipment used to extract the liquid contents of an industrial drum out of the drum for use in the world in which we live. There is a “Natural Ground” for this product in that it is natural for people to want to use a liquid stored in an industrial drum that was synthesized in order to be used for a specific purpose. In other words, although the liquid itself might not be natural in that it is not normally found in nature, the desire to use it for a specific purpose is natural because it was designed for that specific purpose.

That is to say that if there were no natural ground to use that particular liquid then it would never have been synthesized in the first place. Now one might reasonably argue that under this logic, everything in existence would have a natural ground because it was either found in nature or was synthesized for a particular purpose. This is true to a certain extent but there are some notable exceptions, the exploration of which will have to be the subject of another blog post.